Hi there. I found your blog on faces of loss, faces of hope. Willow Rose is such a BEAUTIFUL NAME! my daughter was stillborn in March of 2010 and her name is Lily. So, we both lost our little flowers. And my middle name is Rose so my blog name is Rose and Her Lily. I'd love for you to come follow along: www.roseandherlily.blogspot.com
02/04/2010 = Decision to Pursue Clomid+IUI ... cancelled!
02/14/2010 = Surprise BFP (naturally!)
02/16/2010 = Beta/104
02/18/2010 = Beta/342
2/22/2010 = Beta/1744
03/13/2010 = 1st u/s HB 150 (measuring 7w4d)
03/25/2010 = 2nd u/s scheduled!
10/15/2010 = Gabriel Maximilian born (7lbs 6oz, 19")
2WW: 2 Week Wait (before pregnancy test can be taken)
AF: Aunt Flo (menses)
BBT: Basal Body Temperature
BD: Baby Dance (sex)
BFN: Big Fat Nothing
BFP: Big Fat Positive (pregnancy)
CD: Cycle Day
DPO: Days Past Ovulation
HB: Heartbeat
O: Ovulation
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
TTC: Trying to Conceive
U/S: Ultrasound
Hi there. I found your blog on faces of loss, faces of hope. Willow Rose is such a BEAUTIFUL NAME! my daughter was stillborn in March of 2010 and her name is Lily. So, we both lost our little flowers. And my middle name is Rose so my blog name is Rose and Her Lily. I'd love for you to come follow along: www.roseandherlily.blogspot.com