Saturday, January 16, 2010

Trying Again

2010 has taken an interesting turn. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. The entire family was sick and we possibly had a strain of H1N1 invading our house! I'm finally starting to feel better, but Terrell and I still have a nasty cough and sore throat that has come and gone for almost 4 weeks now.

Beginning in February I will start training for my new position as a Merchandise Specialist in the Buying Office. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is a position I have had my eye on for some time now. I felt it was time to take a leap and I'm glad I did.

I had my appointment with my new Reproductive Endocrinologist on January 6th. Dr Hayes seems very down to earth and I feel like this may be a great relationship. After reviewing my chart, she has decided we can start trying to conceive as early as February. Dr Hayes is starting by having some bloodwork done and an ultrasound. I will go back on the 25th for the dreaded HSG. HSG or hysterosalpingogram is a test where dye is injected into the uterus and xrays are taken to make sure both fallopian tubes are clear. I've heard it can be very painful, but I'm hoping it's over quickly and both tubes are open! Beyond this I'm not sure what Dr Hayes' plan of action will be. Although I'm thinking Metformin + Clomid. We shall see. Now that we are trying to conceive again my days will be counted as DPOs (days past ovulation). TTC, OPK, BBT, TWW, HPT, BFP... here I come!

On that note, I'm missing Willow a lot lately. I feel sad as I get closer and closer to my EDD (estimated due date). I also feel like we are betraying her by trying to get pregnant again. We know we cannot replace Willow, but we are praying for another baby to fill our empty arms.

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